Another Glimpse of Menni’s Younger Days

Hey people! This is Menni. 

So… I know it’s been two solid months since any of us have posted anything. Sorry. 😬 In my defense, I’ve been doing a Youth Dynamics internship for the past six weeks, so I haven’t had TIME to post anything. 

“But Menni!” you complain. “Two months is *hasty math* longer than six weeks! What were you doing for the rest of that time?”

I would like to repeat that I’m sorry. Anyways, I’m back now! And I have a new post! For those of you who are wondering why it’s called another glimpse of Menni’s younger days, that’s because of this post, which came about because I cleaned underneath my desk. Today, I have for you a story that I found while cleaning the TOP of my desk! I’m older in this one—maybe ten? Eleven? And this is also a glimpse of GENNI’s younger days, because apparently she helped me write it. I think we took turns writing sentences? 

Without further ado, allow me to present the conclusive proof that I had (ok, still have) a kinda dark sense of humor and was (ok, still am) kinda melodramatic. Also known as:

True Love and Tragedy

by Genni and Menni (who used their full names on the original sheet of notebook paper—just like real authors! *wipes tear* ah… memories)

Once upon a time lived a beautiful dog. Although it was beautiful, it was sad. It was sad because she had lost her first litter of puppies. However, she had hope, for she had met the famous Marshmallow Dog, and perhaps her new true love would father more puppies, unlike the unnatural squeaking animal who had fathered the first litter. But one day her true love’s owner moved to Africa, and took his pet (Sammy) with him. She instantly decided to start a desperate quest for him. First, she rented a boat, then she roamed the world, looking for Sammy. Unfortunately, when her boat landed in Africa, Sammy’s owner had moved to Zimbabwe, because he’d heard it in a CC song. So she departed brokenhearted, not even noticing she was now riding a dragon. All of a sudden, plump! She landed on a startled Sammy’s head! Unfortunately, the shock slaughtered Sammy, and his desperate lover immediatly committed suicide. At least their owners got married!
The End

…apparently, we were unaware that Zimbabwe is in Africa? Ah well, at least the spelling and grammar are a bit better than last time. 

I wonder which sentences I wrote and which ones Genni wrote? I’m pretty sure “the shock slaughtered Sammy” was me. Also the bit where the protagonist dog (who we never named—henceforth, her name is Arabella because why not?) is suddenly riding a dragon… that was probably me. Genni, if you happen to remember this, please tell me 😂 

You know, I must have been at least eleven because we didn’t start Classical Conversations until I was that old (I think), and the CC influence is splattered all over this story. I mean, disregarding the direct mention, there’s the alliteration, the -ly opener, the fact that NOT A SINGLE SENTENCE starts with “the” and only two begin with nouns… yeah, we were definitely in Essentials by this point. 

If you enjoyed this/are happy I’m back, comment below and I’ll do another Younger Days post! 

(In other words, comment below if you want to hear about the paper ‘website’ where you can “Discover why football is so awful! Play awesome games including DressMeUp and FlusteredFashionista! Read online newspapers like The Daily Gossip! All this and much more on!”)

Hope you enjoyed!



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